humanitary help by art and architecture
Areas of the Special Education Facility Centre Braslaw / offered for changings by creative european students:
A Inside - Social Design projects:
A 1.Designing of the recreational area
Here the product designers are challenged to revalue the leisure and play area of the rehabilitation center Braslaw with new projects.
A 1.1 Interior architecture
contructions /furniture elements to devide rooms in different zones
A 1.2 Design of play equipment for children
single objects to enlarge the variety of objects to play with and develop basis motoric skills
Training the ability to feel and experience properties of different surfaces through tactile perception.
A 1.3 murals
Wall - painting on basis of ideas, drawings/ sketches of the children of the centre.
Large walls at the choice of the participants and in coordination with the management should be painted in a colorful and varied manner together with the children and adolescents of the institution. In order to express the esteem of the disadvantaged children, children's designs should first be compiled in collage form - according to their own themes and motives - and then projected onto the wall on a large scale as a drawing template. Then the painting-process with the help of professional students, who then also secure the completion of the big picture.
free space for the wallpainting project
B: Outside - architecture and playgrounddesign- projects for the conversion of a covered area to a playground
This is where the architecture- and playground-design students come in. It's about a hitherto uninviting area of the yard and gardens of the institution. The covered passage, the connection of two parts of the building, is to be designed as a playground and leisure,- play- and relaxation area. The children and adolescents of the facility also want non-visible retreat zones, play and gym equipment.
"on the move I"
Advance Planning Visit summer 2019 – initial workshops 23.07. - 01.08.2017: Students and project-mangers from KAJA-West /Germany + INO KAJA/ Minsk (inclusive students of art academy Minsk) came togehter with some young people and the director of the center and started the project.
-Deep informations about the disabled children and young people and their possibilities to participate in the project students are informed by the head of the centre
A 1.1 interior architecture
"Folding screens": The students developed a common participation project, which can lead to different versions of screen, consisting of three(or more)parts of the textile, which are fastened together by metal struts. So children could show performances, improvised theatrical scenes with the help of this screen.
A 1.3.wallpainting-project
first sketches handmade by handicaped youngsters of the centre, sucessful test, that more youngsters could participate in the project.
first drawings to become adopted for the wall painting
B playground project
Fixing the basic planning conditions and measuring the spaces for improving with new creative impulses.
Workshop of students
after getting to know all basic conditions and areas the students started to develop their conceptions for the different project-levels A,B and C and created first project posters, collecting scetches and description of own individual project- proposals.students presenting exemples of project posters
Illustration with text, fotos and drawings representing all the participation offers for new european students, who will join the project from autumn 2018 on - on the move II in Germany.