European Youth Camp
13.07. - 27.07.2019 in Minsk and Braslaw / Belarus
Finally confirmed! We will get a grant from EU - programm Erasmus+/youth in action !
hosting partner
international Nongovermental Organization KAJA (children architecture + youth architecture) - East / Minsk-Belarus, Culman street 15 and KAJA -West e.V. office Berlin, Innsbruckerstr. 25, 10825 Berlin
partners profile
partners to be invited: Youth organizations, students organisations, young artists initiatives at art academies and technical universities as well as special education institutes. Also state institutes like art academies and technical universities may become official partner-
Poland: Students of the Poznan Art Academy / Technical university and school Bialystok /
4 participants
Latvia: students of technical school Daugavpils, 4 participants
Ukraine: Students of Lviv Art Academy, Technical University, 4 participants
Georgia: members of NGO " Youth for a happy future" and students of Tbilisi Art Academy, Technical University, 4 participants
Belarus: Ino KAJA with participants of the Art Academy Minsk, BNTU / Rehabilitation Center Braslaw, Youth Art School Braslaw / 8 participants
Germany: KAJA West e.V. with students from from art highschools / - academies/ universities of applied sciences in Berlin or Münster / students of technical schools, in total 4 participants.
All groups should be accompanied by a group leader ( elder student /tutor / youth worker). In total 24 participants / 6 teamers = 30 persons to participate
Participant profile: students of the departures product- and graphic design, architecture / interior architecture, civil engineering, sculpture and mural. Also we would like to find professional young people, learning to build with wood. Additionally some students of special pedagogical disciplines mental development, physical development, learning / emotional and social development, language / emotional and social development are invited to participate.
meeting places and schedule
Advance Planning visit of 6 teamleaders
Friday,31.May in Braslaw - Saturday,01.June in Minsk
Summer camp in Braslaw
13.07, 2019 start in Minsk
Arrival: Friday, 12.July 2019 till 24:00
accomodation: students home and/or flats of participating belarussian students
meeting place: KAJA Workshop Kulmanstr. 15
Saturday,13.07.2019: 11:00 a.m. Introduction kick-off - meeting, city sightseeing, visits by partners / first theoretical workshop, preparation / buying goods, technics and material for the camp.
Sunday, 14.07.2019: Transfer to Braslaw/Kolesniki
Transfer by bus from Minsk to Braslaw incl. excursion to Chatyn - Nat. Memorial to the destruction of the civilian population in World War II
Monday, 15.07. - Thursday, 25.07.19: KAJA camp in Braslaw/Kolesniki
Creative and theoretical workshops in the KAJA - Camp Kolesniki / district nature reserve Braslaw and in the rehabilitation center Braslaw
Friday, 26.07.19: Return transfer to Minsk.Option: excursion to the eco-village Lepel (project of "Heim statt Tschernobyl" (Bodelschwingh -Initiative Bielefeld/Germany )
Saturday, 27.07.19: final day: media works , evaluation, farewell party
Sunday, 28.07.1902:departure of the European participants
c r e a t i v e w o r k s h o p - p r o p o s a l s
start in the rehabilitation centre Braslaw
B 1: Playful construction experiment
B 2: "Social Design" - Participation in the aesthetic improvement of the Rehabilitation Center Braslaw
B 2.1: Introductory information event / exhibition openingin the Rehabilitation Center Braslaw.
B 2.2: Overview via metaplan "participation circles"
A: Interior design
A 1: Design of play equipment / objects
A 2: Interior architecture
A 3: Mural for the leisure area
A 4: further project proposals
B: exterior / outside projects
B1 Architecture + design: playground "European Labyrinth"
B 2 Embedding the KAJA camp in tourist activities
B 2.1 Reconstruction Workshop: conversion of an old barn into a youth tourism base
B 2.2 „Glamping“…..will follow
C: Media group
C 1: Presentation / exhibition project
C 2: Development of a new webproject
C 3: Braslaw - Nature Park "by pencil".
C 4: Products in total
preparation of the meeting
1. advance planning visit of the teamleaders KAJA-West / Germany and KAJA-East / Belarus in Braslaw and Minsk - two days in time 01. 05. 19 - 31.05.2019
2. after the APV - preparation works at home:
- develloping ideas for presentations and national evenings
- organizing material, inclusive flags, for presentations and national evenings
- creating the workshop-proposals and visualisation on A 3 posters
so called "flagstocks" connecting flags from home- country/region/town/own organisation
workshop-proposals on posters
workshop posters, prepared at home and presented in the beginning of the camp
other intercultural events
national/regional presentation and evenings Kick-off workshop during the first day camp. Home-brought collage elements to the own region, art / architecture and youth culture are mounted on a 1m x 1m board. The teams present their team and their home region in the evening based on their presentation-boards. The second opportunity tp present the own european region and the background of the participants is the "national/regional evening". five national evenings are on the agenda. The teams from Poland, Ukraine,Georgia, Belarus and Germany are invited to cook for the others refering to the national/regional kitchen - culture. And later in the evening a presentation about the own institute, own study works, art and youth-culture. Very very challenging: a theatre- and dance performance ! Finally a DVD , a concert or a movie. To avoid misunterstandings: a "national evening" is not a touristical advertisement event ! .
exemples from former meetings>>>>>>
KAJA - summer camp 2011: five teams from Belarus, Germany, Lithuania, Russia and Poland presenting their boards
open projects
after they got to know each other, get out their common interests and having visited the camp and the sourounded landscape /lakes, we expect, that the participants will use the chance to develop new project-ideas and create another new workshop-concepts.
workshop- leaders presenting their projects
exhibition posters
One of the evalation - tasks at home, after the camp till end of septmber 2019 will be the design of 1m x 1m exhition posters , one for each workshop - result = project-proposals . Other posters for the documentation of the meeting process should be added. So we hope for min. 20 poster -designs. After it is in the hands of the hosting partner KAJA - Ino Minsk to organize an exhbition in Braslaw, in co- operation with the national/regional partners like art Academy Minsk. The exhibition should open the chance of a participation process to find out the projects, which could not be realized during the summer 2019 and which should be proposed for the 1:1 - realization in co-operation with professional building-companies, artists, designers.
theoretical workshops
Creative workshops should be accompanied by mutual informations, media presentations about the theoretical background of workshop-concepts and exemples of "good practise" not only in the homecountries / - regions of the participants, but also in other european countries. Each team should lead one of the workshops, which will be presented in the evenings. First proposal: "procedure for the participation of the civil sector in the design of public space in Eastern and Western Europe"
The camp area
excusions and other free-time activities
Besides the visits during the transfer from Minsk to Braslaw there will be organized excursions by bus to Braslaw, for visiting the city and the market. Another trip will lead through the Braslaw - lakes national park. Look here:
free time activities:
- swimming in the nearby lake Ukla
- alternative golfing
- soccer tournament
- campfire
- disco
- sauna